Update 1 – 18 November 2021

Dear Parent’s and Carers,

Please follow this link to view the Distance Learning Policy. Pages 20 to 22 detail the provision for learning opportunities for children not able to attend school on a temporary basis due to Public Health measures. For most subjects and year groups class work can also be found on their Google Classroom.

Kind regards,

St. Sampson’s High School

Update 1 – 23 August 2021

Dear Parent’s and Carers,

Please find attached a letter regarding the testing arrangements for students before returning to school. Please also see the links below.

  • Recent media release which can be found here
  • Section of the gov.gg site which can be found here. Note that Public Health are developing a video resource to support LFT use and that this will also be available on the site shortly

Kind regards,

St. Sampson’s High School

Update 1 – 1 March 2021

Update 1 – 1 March 2021

Update 1 – 5 February 2021

Update 1 – 2 February 2021

Update 1 – 1 February 2021

Update 2 – 30 January 2021

Update 1 – 30 January 2021

Update 1 – 29 January 2021

Update 1 – 27 January 2021

Update 1 – 26 January 2021

Update 3 – 25 January 2021

Please see below for Media Release

Update 2 – 25 January 2021

Please see below a letter for students, parents and carers

Update 1 – 25 January 2021

Dear parents/carers

As you are aware we have received confirmation that a small number of cases have tested positive for COVID-19 at St Sampson’s High School. We have been working with Public Health Services who are carrying out significant contact tracing work around these cases.

We know that this may be worrying news for you to hear but it is important that you know that there are robust systems in place to manage this situation. As part of the Public Health’s well-established contact tracing procedures, they will directly contact any student or member of staff if they need to be tested. Please note that it might not be necessary to test all year groups, and we must trust and be led by Public Health who will contact any groups or individuals that it considers necessary. Our school building has also undergone a rigorous deep cleaning process this weekend.

If you don’t hear from Public Health please do not instigate testing yourselves unless you are symptomatic. If you or your children develop symptoms please contact the clinical helpline on 756938/756969 in the first instance. For more information about symptoms please visit https://covid19.gov.gg/guidance/symptoms.

Public Health is incredibly busy so please adhere to the above advice and do not contact them to alert them of any links that you think that you might have. Please only contact the helpline if you are currently symptomatic.

As many of you will be aware, we are not the only education setting to have had cases confirmed recently. Please be assured that all appropriate steps are being taken. We will contact you again should any further information become available that you need to be aware of.

Kind regards

Mrs Vicky Godley

Update 2 – 24 January 2021

Update 1 – 24 January 2021

Good afternoon,

I realise you are awaiting information from the school. We are finalising plans and expect to be able to communicate with you about arrangements before the end of this afternoon.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Vicky Godley

Update 3 – 23 January 2021

Good afternoon,

Please find attached a media release confirming details around the Civil Contingencies Authority’s decision to close education settings with immediate effect to all students other than those that are vulnerable or the children of essential workers.

I would be grateful if you could review the detail in the release and in particular take note of the need to manage the number of students attending school during lockdown. It is really important that students attend only where it is absolutely necessary for them to do so.

We will be in touch again in the next day to outline our plans for Distance Learning.

Thank you so much for your continued support,

Kind regards,

Vicky Godley

Update 2 – 23 January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

You may have heard the States of Guernsey’s live briefing today or seen the news that we have gone back into lockdown. A media release will shortly be issued explaining details of schools closing to all students other than those that are vulnerable or the children of essential workers. I will forward that media release to you as soon as I receive it.

Many of you will have also heard that one of the positive cases was a student at our school. We have been working with Public Health Services who are carrying out significant contact tracing work around this case.

At this stage Public Health will be testing all Year 8 students and all staff, hopefully all being tested before the end of the weekend. A deep clean of the school is also being carried out now.

It may not be necessary to test other year groups, but Public Health will review the situation after the weekend and contact any other groups it considers necessary. If you don’t hear from Public Health please do not instigate testing yourselves unless you are symptomatic.

If you or your children develop symptoms please contact the clinical helpline 756938/756969 in the first instance. For more information about symptoms please visit https://covid19.gov.gg/guidance/symptoms.

We will contact you again as soon as we have further information.

Kind regards

Vicky Godley

Update 1 – 23 January 2021

Dear Parent and Carers,

I am certain many of you will have listened to the news brief at midday. Please do try not to panic. I have been in touch already this morning with public health and the education office. There is an intention to do testing for all staff and key student groups at St Sampson’s, this is all in hand. Please await being contacted rather than block phone lines. School currently is closed today due to deep cleaning measures, but we hope it will be open to receive key worker and vulnerable students on Monday. Arrangements for Monday will be confirmed in the coming day including all the necessary home schooling arrangements. As soon as we have more information we will be in touch but most importantly please try not to worry and wait for further information, we have every confidence in public health managing this situation for all of us.

Kind regards,

Mrs Vicky Godley