At St. Sampson’s, we value personal growth alongside academic development.  We prioritise time for personal and character development and well-being within our core curriculum offer for all students.  We know and understand that Mentally healthy children are more successful in school and life. 

We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health.  Being mentally healthy means that we feel good about ourselves, make and keep positive relationships with others and can feel and manage a full range of emotions.  These can range from happiness, excitement and curiosity to less comfortable feelings such as anger, fear or sadness.  Good mental health allows us to cope with life’s ups and downs, to feel in control of our lives and to ask for help from others when we need support.

St. Sampson’s offers an enriched pastoral character curriculum, embodying our motto ‘Learning together’. Our character education includes core values upholding each other’s rights through respect, encouragement and equality.  These are explored in a PSHCE framework to provide a coherent curriculum offering breadth and depth through years 7-11. Throughout the programme of study, students will explore a range of age-related topics from health and well-being, relationships and living in the wider world.

The 5 steps to well-being are promoted widely through assemblies, tutor activities, PSHCE and the core curriculum offer.

St. Sampson’s High School – Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 5Ts

At St Sampson’s High School we are a Successful, Supportive, Happy Society encouraging us all to be respectful – of ourselves, each other and our environment.  This also means we understand that emotional wellbeing has the same importance as physical health.  Below is our 5-stage MHWB strategy which we hope educates and empowers students to support themselves and others along with a graduated support network from staff in school.

TALK – Raising awareness and encouraging discussion

We raise awareness through our programme of year assemblies (planned and led by members of staff with specific interest, passion and expertise) and whole school and National events including Mental Health Awareness Day/Week and Anti Bullying Week. We encourage discussion in small group settings to help students reflect in Thoughtful Tuesday.

TEACH -Education and self-regulation

We want to educate and empower our students to develop and explore strategies and attitudes that enhance their resilience to thrive/cope with challenges. We emphasise the importance of healthy lifestyle including regular physical activity, good nutrition, sleep, meditation, balanced screen time, etc.

TOOLS – Support

We encourage students to reach out and connect with each other, sharing what we learn with families to promote discussion at home and to promote active involvement in the school and local community e.g. sharing positive messages with vulnerable people.

TRAIN – Staff training and awareness

Staff are passionate and knowledgeable around different key aspects of mental health and wellbeing and have been actively involved preparing resources or facilitating discussions, etc. We have been sharing this expertise amongst staff to develop further awareness of how we can support our students. We have been developing staff training through our internal School Improvement Time (SIT) and some members of staff have completed the Mental Health First Aid course.

TAKE CARE – Specialist/clinical support

We are aware that some issues need more specialist support and in addition to the Inclusion Team we also liaise with external support from agencies such as CAHMs.


Resources and Services

A range of breathing exercises, activities, games and videos to help you feel calmer.

Access ‘The Coping Calendar’ for strategies to look after ourselves and others during a crisis

The young minds website provides lots of advice on a range of feelings and conditions as well as providing advice on how to look after your mental health

The mental health foundation have provided a range of tool-kits for students and parents on how to keep yourself mentally healthy and what to do if you’re struggling.

The NHS website provides lots of advice relating to mental health and mindfulness.