The English Department have had another busy term. As part of the island’s celebration of World Book Week, the Library Service gave our G&T Year 7 and 8 students the chance to work with Jane Elson, an author of teen fiction and teen blogs. (You can see her work at the following website: The students had an interactive writing workshop with the author, and we hope that these sessions have inspired our students to become budding young writers!
Our KS3 students have also been busy with competitions for World Book Week and for a poetry competition in association with the Guernsey Literary Festival. We are hoping that our wonderful writers will be rewarded for their hard work, short stories and lovey poems. Wish us luck and watch this space!
While our KS3 students have been busy writing, our KS4 students have been equally busy. Our GCSE students have done us proud once again; we’d like to congratulate all those students who gained their desired GCSE grade during our January results. We were very proud of their hard work and dedication. For those students still awaiting results in March, we wish you luck and look forward to many smiling faces after half term.
Thank you for all of your support this half term and we look forward to another positive half term after a well-deserved break.