Modern Foreign Languages

At St Sampson’s High School, we believe that studying Modern Languages opens many doors to pupils. It is a skill which is highly valued by employers but also improves literacy, cultural knowledge and grammatical awareness. All pupils study both French and German in Year 7 before electing which language to study through the remainder of Key Stage 3. Modern Foreign Languages are optional at GCSE but there is usually a popular uptake.

In addition to our teaching staff, we have a wonderful French Language Assistant, so pupils can experience speaking one to one or in small groups outside of the classroom. Lessons often include a cultural element, informing pupils about the lifestyle in French and German-speaking countries. We aim to make lessons as interactive as possible and focus on key topics that are relevant to young people.  Pupils also get the chance to watch foreign films and television clips in lessons, as well as using their iPads to help them to learn. Pupils are assessed each term in Speaking, Reading, Writing and Listening skills.

The department works hard to promote the importance of languages across the school.  For example, pupils take part in activities and competitions for European Day of Languages and cross-curricular events.


In Key Stage 3, we want our pupils to develop into inquisitive learners and aspiring linguists, who understand the building blocks of language. Pupils will be able to narrate events and ideas in different time frames, in both written and spoken form. They will be able to read and listen to a range of materials on familiar topics. They will understand that communication is more important than perfection in MFL and have the confidence to make their thoughts and opinions known. Pupils will lay the foundations for GCSE, but more importantly be equipped with the verbal, written and comprehension skills which will allow them to communicate with native speakers.

At Key Stage 4, pupils will build upon their foundation of knowledge to become more confident linguists. Pupils will begin to manipulate language to suit a range of purposes, in both written and spoken form. Pupils will have the comprehension skills to read and listen to more complex materials on a range of topics which are relevant and appropriate for their age. By the end of the GCSE, pupils will be able to communicate their thoughts, ideas and opinions in a range of tenses. Pupils will approach language challenges as linguists; seeking understanding through their prior learning and making grammatical and semantic links.

If you spend a little time practising your languages at home every day, you will see the changes to your grades!

Helps you revise sets of vocabulary, and then play games with them! (Search for jonesmfl and Mrs_Foale to find the teachers’ sets)

A fantastic app which allows you to practise the basics and get your head around grammar. Be warned- it’s extremely addictive! Get your friends to download it and you can compete against them.

Practise topics and grammar online. Get instant feedback with the self-marking activities! and

Make your own French and German quizzes and test your friends.


In Key Stage 3, we want our pupils to develop into inquisitive learners and aspiring linguists, who understand the building blocks of language. Pupils will be able to narrate events and ideas in different time frames, in both written and spoken form. They will be able to read and listen to a range of materials on familiar topics. They will understand that communication is more important than perfection in MFL and have the confidence to make their thoughts and opinions known. Pupils will lay the foundations for GCSE, but more importantly be equipped with the verbal, written and comprehension skills which will allow them to communicate with native speakers.
At Key Stage 4, pupils will build upon their foundation of knowledge to become more confident linguists. Pupils will begin to manipulate language to suit a range of purposes, in both written and spoken form. Pupils will have the comprehension skills to read and listen to more complex materials on a range of topics which are relevant and appropriate for their age. By the end of the GCSE, pupils will be able to communicate their thoughts, ideas and opinions in a range of tenses. Pupils will approach language challenges as linguists; seeking understanding through their prior learning and making grammatical and semantic links.

If you spend a little time practising your languages at home every day, you will see the changes to your grades!

Helps you revise sets of vocabulary, and then play games with them! (Search for jonesmfl and Mrs_Foale to find the teachers’ sets)

A fantastic app which allows you to practise the basics and get your head around grammar. Be warned- it’s extremely addictive! Get your friends to download it and you can compete against them.

Practise topics and grammar online. Get instant feedback with the self-marking activities! and

Make your own French and German quizzes and test your friends.