We are committed to promoting the health and well-being of all members of our school community. We recognise that schools play an important role in both promoting healthy eating habits and ensuring our school food provides healthy balanced and nutritious meals with the appropriate amount of energy and nutrients students need.
All food provided in school is compliant with the Guernsey Food standards. The Eatwell Plate Model is promoted within the formal curriculum and in food provision. A healthy diet is defined as one where there is a balance of food and drink providing the nutrients required in the right amounts.
We have set up a School SNAG group taking on board feedback from students and parents regarding menu choices and dining environment.
Please ensure students who bring a packed lunch that it adheres to the FIGs guidelines and refrain from giving fizzy drinks, chocolate and sweets.
Students in Years 7 – 11 are not permitted to leave the school premises at lunchtime without the agreement of both the school and their parents.
Food in Guernsey Schools Policy
Under the Education Law of Guernsey (1970) the Education Services is responsible for providing education for children between five and sixteen years of age. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that their children receive full time education, and as far as possible, avoid any disruption to that education. Wherever possible absence during term time should therefore be avoided. The school will not provide work for children who take holidays in school time. It has been agreed by all Principals and Education Officers that (from 1st September 2016) any holiday a student takes during term time will not be authorised.
Our office team are all first aid trained and keep up to date with courses and training.
All medicines MUST be handed into the office and not be kept in students’ bags with the exception of inhalers, epipens and blood glucose testing meters.
Medicine (both prescription and non-prescription medication) can only be administered to a student where written permission for that particular medicine has been obtained from their parent or carer. A medical consent form needs to be filled out by the parent or carer and handed into the school office, along with the medication before we can administer the medication.
Students who can take their own medicines themselves or manage procedures, will have the appropriate level of supervision. If it is not appropriate for a student to take their medications themselves, then staff will help to administer medicines and manage procedures for them.
Staff will not force students to take their medication, but will follow procedures agreed in the individual healthcare plan if they have one. Parents will be informed so that alternative options can be considered.
All medicines will be stored safely in a locked cupboard or fridge. Medicines and devices such as asthma inhalers, blood glucose testing meters and Epipens should always be readily available to the student. Medication will not be administered in a public area – except in the case of an emergency.
A record of all medicines administered to an individual student will be kept.
On a school trip, a designated member of staff will be responsible for the students medication. Prior to the trip an additional medical form will need to be completed by parent or carer.
Where no longer required or if out of date, medicines will be returned to the parent or carer for safe disposal. Sharp boxes will be used for the disposal of needles and any other sharps.
Medicines in Schools Policy
Sun Safe Policy