Diversity, Equity  and Inclusion Statement

At SSHS, we are proud of the diversity of our students and staff and committed to promoting a positive and diverse culture in which all are valued and supported to fulfil their potential irrespective of their age, disability, race, religion, belief, sex or sexual orientation.

We are committed to an ambitious diversity and inclusion strategy, which underpins our desire to educate all those who are best able to flourish from a St Sampson’s High School education, regardless of their background, and we aim to broadly reflect the diversity of the Bailiwick and surrounding areas.

This commitment is the starting point for an ongoing discussion to listen carefully to all stakeholders and reflect on how we can do our very best to challenge inequality and promote diversity.

The school is aware of its obligations under the States of Guernsey policy on Equal Opportunities and Diversity, UK Equalities Act 2010 and our public sector equality duty (please see Supporting Equal Opportunities and Diversity Guidance for Schools and Services).

The school analyses internal data and sets annual equality objectives where we identify an area for improvement.

SSHS Equality Objectives

Teach inclusion and identify and prevent racism and prejudice in all its forms
  • Ensure equality of access for all students and prepare them for life in a diverse society
  • Provide opportunities for students to appreciate their own culture and celebrate the diversity of other cultures
  • Promote attitudes and values that will challenge discriminatory behaviour
  • Provide opportunities for students to identify shared interests among members of different social groups and categories
  • Develop students’ awareness so that they can detect bias and challenge discrimination
Enhance the curriculum to ensure that it is representative of our school diversity
  • Develop learning materials and activities that emphasise benefits of having diverse communities, neighbourhoods, schools and groups
  • Use materials that reflect diversity within society in terms of age, race, gender, ability, faith, ethnicity, social condition, cultural background and sexual orientation, without stereotyping
  • Promote and celebrate the contribution of different ethnic groups to the subject matter in all subject departments, where appropriate
Trans Inclusive School
  • Train staff effectively using approved resources from LGTBQ+ charities e.g. Stonewall
  • Ensure staff are aware of the correct terminology
  • Consider our facilities such as bathroom use, changing, residential trips and uniform/dress code
  • Respect names and pronouns
  • Ensure transphobic bullying, and ways to stop it, are part of our PSHCE curriculum