Personal Development at SSHS is committed to providing a high quality educational experience for all pupils. Our personal, social, health and citizenship education (PSHCE) curriculum brings together citizenship with personal well-being, whilst promoting fundamental British values. Although PSHCE is taught through dedicated lessons, it also underpins many activities, assemblies, educational visits and extra-curricular clubs. It is intended that we will offer engaging sessions including many visits from external speakers which enable our learners to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.
Personal Development
The Sexual Health and Relationship Educator Nurses deliver sessions to all year groups on topics such as puberty, reproduction, pornography and cancer, as appropriate to that age group.
The Youth Commission deliver sessions to all year groups on topics such as Domestic Abuse, Child Sexual Exploitation and LGBT rights, as appropriate to that age group.
Guernsey Police deliver sessions to Year 9 about Road Safety.
Action for Children deliver sessions to all year groups on drugs and alcohol.
Katie Hill delivers sessions to Year 9 on Healthy Lifestyles and Weight Management.
The Cardiac Action group attend school to teach CPR and basic first aid to years 9 and 10.
The ‘Liberate’ branch run an LGBTQ+ Youth Network within school which provides a safe place for LGBTQ+ pupils and their allies to plan events, make their voices heard and to feel accepted and supported.
For a written guide and an introduction to unifrog please click here
Unifrog Introduction for Parents Webinar